- 2013 국제학술대회 -
주제: 간호와 공학 (Nursing and Engineering)-
일시: 2013년 6월 28일 13:00~17:30
- 장소: 중앙대학교 103동 206호
- 발표자
1.안효철교수 (University of Florida)
“Interdisciplinary research on Nursing and Engineering”
2. 이동현 교수(중앙대학교 공과대학 융합공학부 교수)
“Medical engineering”
3. Tannistha Samanta (Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar):
“Living arrangement and health”
4. 송태민박사(한국보건사회연구원), U-health 현황과 정책과제
5. 강유정박사 (UPENN, USA), Identifying patient characteristics associated with rehospitalization in older heat failure adults receiving tele-homecare
6. 류은정 교수(중앙대), Risk reduction behaviors and quality of life in breast cancer survivors
7. 김영지(중앙대박사과정), Nurse visiting health management program should be continued ?
8. 홍기명 (중앙대박사과정), Traffic accidents incidence rate among Korean older population
9. 양성우 (중앙대 4학년), Studnet's EBN research" Maximizing patient safety filter needle with glass ampule