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2010년 간호과학연구소 국제학술대회: Nursing Education and Cultural Diversity 1

소속 발표자 제목 일시 및 장소
School of Nursing, San Diego State University Catherine Todero The Future of Nursing: Trends in US Nursing and Nursing Education 2010.3.29.(화)
106동 405호
School of Nursing, San Diego State University Young-Shin Lee Korean American Women’s Preventive Health Care Practices: Stratified Samples in California, U.S.
Ewha Womans University Youngmi Ahn Effects of the Depression Prevention Program on community-indwelling Elderly
Konkuk University Hospital Inja Lee Analysis of Nursing Intervention studies for Patients with Breast Cancer In Korea
Chung-Ang University Joohyun Lee Symptom Experiences, Resilience, and Quality of Life in Patients with Colorectal Cancer
Chung Ang University Medical Center Hyunjung Park Exposure of Intensive Care Unit Nurses to Workplace Violence
Chung-Ang Unviersity Medical Center Hyunjung Kim The Impact of the Patient Satisfaction of Nursing Care Services, the Switching Cost and the Perceived Rsik on the intention of reuse in Emergency Medical Center
Chung-Ang University Medical Center Eunkyung Lee A study on Nurses’ Perception of Multicultural Families


2010년 간호과학연구소 국내학술대회: 다문화 가족과 건강

소속 발표자 제목 일시 및 장소
보건복지부 가족건강과 박재근 사무관 다문화 가족의 보건의료실태 2010.6.5(토)
법학관 303동
사단법인 한국이주민건강협회 이애란 사무국장 국내 이주민 가정의 건강실태
이화여자대학교 대학원 간호학 박사과정 임현숙 결혼이주여성의 임신.출산을 통한 삶의 전환체험
한국보건산업진흥원연구원 박영수 이주노동자의 건강문제


2010년 간호과학연구소 국제학술대회: Nursing Policy and Cultural Diversity

소속 발표자 제목 일시 및 장소
Department of Community Health, Brown University, USA Hye-young Jung prevalence of Nursing Assistant Training and Certification Programs within Nursing Homes 2010.12.4.(토)
106동 405호
Department of Nursing, Chung-Ang University Soong-nang Jang A Health Outcomes Approach to Evaluating Long-Term Care Facilities: Lessons from the United States
School of Nursing, Fudan University,CHINA Hajou Xia Why Chinese students Choose Nursing and Going to be a Nurse?
Department of Nursing, Konkuk University Hyun Jung Kim Self-Management of Colorectal Cancer Patients, according to Trajectory of Disease
Chung-Ang University Hospital Song Hee Han Oral Gargling with peppemint and Grapefruit on postoperative Nausea after Laparoscopic Surgery
Asan Medical Center Min Ju Kim Knowlege, Compliance and Quality of Life of Mothers who take care of Children with Atopic Dermatitis
Chung Ang University Yong-San Hospital Eun Jung Oh The Patient’s Experiences of the Diagnosis and Pre-Treatment Period of Colorectal Cancer
Department of Nursing, Chung-Ang Universtiy Jiyeon Park Nursing and Management System of Dementia In London

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