논문과 저서 (최근 5년)
Yang, B., Choe, K., Park, Y., & Kang, Y. (2019). Associations among daytime sleepiness, depression and suicidal ideation in Korean adolescents. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 31(2), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/ijamh-2016-0161.
Choe, K., Kim, Y., & Yang, Y. (2019). Pediatric nurses’ ethical difficulties in the bedside care of children. Nursing ethics, 26(2), 541-552.
Jang, K., & Choe, K. (2019). Bereavement experiences after the unexpected death of an older family member in the emergency department. International Emergency Nursing, 42, 7-11.
Kang, Y., Choe, K., & Yu, J. (2018). The moderating role of the amount of caregiving tasks on the relationships between dementia caregivers’ characteristics and outcomes. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(11), 2544-2554.
Kim, H., Kim, J. S., Choe, K., Kwak, Y., & Song, J. S. (2018). Mediating effects of workplace violence on the relationships between emotional labour and burnout among clinical nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(10), 2331-2339.
Kim, H., Kim, S., Choe, K., & Kim, J. S. (2018). Effects of Mandala art Therapy on Subjective Well-Being, Resilience, and Hope in Psychiatric Inpatients. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 32, 167-173
Choe, K., Kang, H., & Lee, A. (2018). Barriers to ethical nursing practice for older adults in long?term care facilities. Journal of clinical nursing, 27(5-6), 1063-1072.
Han, J. H., Han, S. H., Lee, M. S., Kwon, H. J., & Choe, K. (2016). Primary Caregivers’ Support for Female Family Members With Breast or Gynecologic Cancer. Cancer nursing, 39(3), E49-E55.
Kim, S., Lee, H. Z., Hwang, E., Song, J., Kwon, H. J., & Choe, K. (2016). Lived experience of Korean nurses caring for patients on maintenance haemodialysis. Journal of clinical nursing, 25(9-10), 1455-1463.
Choe, K., Sung, B. J., Kang, Y., & Yoo, S. Y. (2016). Impact of psychoeducation on knowledge of and attitude toward medications in clients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders. Perspectives in psychiatric care, 52(2), 113-119.
Choe, K., Kim, K., & Lee, K. S. (2015). Ethical concerns of visiting nurses caring for older people in the community. Nursing ethics, 22(6), 700-710.
Choe, K., Kang, Y., & Park, Y. (2015). Moral distress in critical care nurses: a
phenomenological study. Journal of advanced nursing, 71(7), 1684-1693.
Choe, K., Kang, Y., Seo, B. S., & Yang, B. (2015). Experiences of learning flow among Korean adolescents. Learning and Individual Differences, 39, 180-185.
Choe, K., Park, S., & Yoo, S-Y. (2014). Effects of constructivist teaching methods on bioethics education for nursing students: a quasi-experimental study. Nurse Education Today, 34, 848-853.
Choe, K. (2014). Development and preliminary testing of the Schizophrenia Hope Scale, a brief scale to measure hope in people with schizophrenia. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 51, 927-933.
생명윤리학. 학지사메디컬. 2018.
생명윤리에 기초한 간호전문직 윤리. 대한간호협회. 2018(2판). 2016(초판).
간호윤리학. 정담미디어. 2014.