미래를 여는 창 Open Your Future

Globalized Nurse


Lee Gyuyoung

Position : Professor
Location : Building 102, Room 705
  • Introduce
    Dr. Gyu Young Lee is a Professor of Community Health Nursing at Chung-Ang University Red Cross College of Nursing. She teaches community health (college) and health promotion (graduate school). Her research interests include development and evaluation of health interventions for adolescents as a sexuality and health education. She has been supported by ‘Mid-career Research Program of National Research Foundation of Korea’ since 2014 to present, developed life skills-based sexuality education programs for elementary and middle school students and evaluated the effectiveness of those programs. As a part of research project, Dr. Lee established ‘Life Skills Education Center of Korea’ to implement teachers training programs and certificate programs for life skills instructors and research on improving life skills-related to adolescents’ sex-and health-related behaviors. Now She focuses on providing life skills-based sexuality education programs for students, led by well-trained teachers who completed a teachers training program offered by the Center.
  • Education
    Ph.D., in Education The Graduate School of Inha University
    MPH., in Community Health Nursing, Graduate School of Public Health, Yonsei University
  • Field of Study
    ㆍ Development and study of life skills sexual education program in Community health
    ㆍ Life Skills Sexual education teacher training, Instructor training, teacher’a manual development, etc.
    ㆍ School health / health teacher-related research and project
    ㆍ Adolescents’s health, depression, suicide, stress, obesity and self esteems
    ㆍ Safety training and first aid, CPR special lecture
    ㆍ Developed a Manual of secondary school health education curriculum
    ㆍ Policy Research of School Health Education Curriculum
  • Academic Activities
    ㆍ Ministry of Education Consultant for school health promoting school
    ㆍ Jongno-gu Office for Health Forum Member
    ㆍ Jongro District Health Center Healthy Living Practice Committee member
    ㆍ IRB Member of the Kangbuk Samsung Hospital
    ㆍ Director, Korean School Nursing Education Society
    ㆍ Director, Korean Life Skills Education Center
    ㆍ Article Reviewer : Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing
    ㆍ Article Reviewer : Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
  • Papers and Books (Last 5 years)

    ■ 2019~2017
    ㆍ Effects of a life skills-based sexuality education programme on the life-skills, sexuality knowledge, self-management skills for sexual health, and programme satisfaction of adolescents(2019). Sex Education-Sexuality Society and Learning(Online)
    ㆍ Association between sexual behavior and suicidal ideation among South Korean middle school students(2019). Japan Journal of Nursing Science(Online).
    ㆍ Relationships of substance use and sexual behavior of female junior high school students in
    Korea: A cross-sectional Web-based survey(2019), Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse.(2018) 27(5-6), 305-310.
    ㆍ Behavioral and psycho social factored associated with suicidal ideation among adolescents(2018). Nursing G & Health Science. 20(3), 394-401.
    ㆍ Differences in Factors Associated with Depressive symptoms between Urban and Rural Adolescents in Korea(2018). Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing. 48(4), 475
    ㆍ Elementary, middle, and high school health teachers’ countermeasures against an outbreak of
    Pandemic Diseases, Including MERS (2018). Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing. 29(1), 65-75.
    ㆍ Effect of a life skills and sexuality education program for teenage adolescents girls (2018). Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction 18(19), 191-210
    ㆍ A Study on the perception and satisfaction of teachers training in the theme selection activity of free semester program: Focusing on ‘Life skills-based sex education program’ training(2018). Journal of Education & Culture 24(6), 209-228
    ㆍ Analysis of korean adolescents's sexual experience and substance use. Socal Behavior and Personality(2017). 45(5). 809-818.
    ㆍ Influencing factors on violent victimization experiences among middle and high School students from multi-cultural family(2017). Journal of Education & Culture 23(6), 453-469.

    ■ 2016- 2015
    ㆍ Effects of an obesity management mentoring program for Korean children(2016). Applied Nursing Research (2016). 31, 160-164
    ㆍ Levels of self leadership among nursing student in metropolitan (2016). Journal of Education & Culture 22(6), 233-253
    ㆍ Sexual Behaviors and Sexual Experience of Adolescents in Korea (2016). Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society 17(12), 71-80
    ㆍ Factors influencing emotions and behavior traits of male and female adolescents in metropolitan city in South Korea (2016). Journal of Emotional & Behavioral Disorders 32(2), 149-161
    ㆍ Influence of media literacy and self-esteem on sexual permissiveness among
    high School Students(2016). Journal of The Korea Contents Association. 16(2), 740-749
    ㆍ Sexual Behaviors and Association Factors among Korean Junior High School (2015). Nippon koshu eisi zasshi/Japanese journal of public health 62(11). 662-671
    ㆍ Factors Affecting Underweight and Obesity Among Elementary School Children in South Korea (2015). Asian Nursing Research, 9(4).298-304
    ㆍ Association of school, family, and mental health characteristics with suicidal ideation among Korean adolescents Research in Nursing & Health(2015), 38(4), 301-10
    ㆍ Teacher’s Choosing Motivation , Teaching Efficacy, Philosophy, and Teacher-Student
    Relationships in Primary & Secondary Health Teachers (2015). Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society 17(5). 2751-2765.
    ㆍ The relationship between school health education experience and health risk behaviors in adolescents: results of the 2013 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey (2015). Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing 29(2), 257-27
    ㆍ Influencing factors on sexual knowledge among elementary, middle, and high school students(2015). The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education 21(3), 406-416
    ㆍ A Study on the level of sex education, sexual knowledge, sexual attitude and sexual allowance among high school students(2015). Journal of Education & Culture 21(3), 231-252
    ㆍ Factors influencing attempted suicide among adolescents in korea (2015).
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society 16(5), 3139-3147
    ㆍ Sexual education, sexual knowledge, sexual education demand among female middle school student(2015). Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction 15(3), 353-37

    ㆍ Life skills based sex educations program elementary school teacher’s manual(2019).
    Chung-ang university Press
    ㆍ Life skills based sex educations program elementary school students’s Workbook(2019) Chung-ang university Press
    ㆍ Life skills based sex educations program middle school teacher’s manual(2019).
    Chung-ang university Press
    ㆍ Life skills based sex educations program middle school students’s Workbook(2018).
    Chung-ang university Press
    ㆍ Health Education(2019). Korean national open university Press
    ㆍ Community Health Nursing (2017), Sumoonsa Press.

    [Honors & Awards]
    ㆍ Awarded the Grand Prize of Education Donation (2017, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education), Awarded Minister of Education Prize 5 times
    ㆍ Participated in the Competition for University Students Project (2017, President of the Korean Academy of Industrial Technology)
    ㆍ Best Article Poster (2016, Chair of Community Health Nursing)
    ㆍ Internet Culture Award (MBC Cultural Broadcasting President, 2001)
    ㆍ Winner of Computer Development Competition (1999, Minister of Education)

    [Research Grant]
    ㆍ National Research Foundation of Korea (2017-2020, Third Year Project, Research Field - Advanced Research Support Project. Development and Effect of Life Skill Based Sexual Health Program for Adolescents, 297,000,000 won
    ㆍ National Research Foundation of Korea(2014 ~ 2017, 3rd year project, research field - medium research project). Development and Effect of Life Skills-based Sexual Health Program for Adolescents, 276,602,000 won
    ㆍ Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education (2015). Medical service training project for school health teachers, 44,100,000 won
    ㆍ The Chung-Ang University DS Research Grants in 2019, 12,600,000 won
    ㆍ The Chung-Ang University DS Research Grants in 2018, 10,050,000 won.
    ㆍ Gyeonggi-do Yulgok Educational Training Institute (2017). Gyeonggi Provincial School Health Teacher Level 1 Training Project. 9,600,000 won