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Globalized Nurse


Lee Ogcheol

Position : Professor
Location : Building 102, Room 522
  • Introduce
    Professor Lee is nationally and internationally well-known expert in disaster nursing. She wrote the first textbook to introduce disaster nursing to the Korean nursing in 1999 and established the Korean Society of Disaster Nursing in 2010. She used to responding to call for relief works of domestic and overseas disaster areas, such as Sri Lanka Tsunami.
    Owing to her outstanding contributions in disaster nursing internationally and nationally, she is taking the Chairperson of World Society of Disaster Nursing from 2019 to 2022.
    Regarding to her global health perspectives, she was influenced by the world-best curriculum in global health of Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University during 2003. The experience of conducting China-North Korea Project with Hopkins members made her be familiar to the unmet health needs in developing countries. She has been to Myanmar, Cambodia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Philippines, Uzbekistan, Laos for health needs assessment.
    Dr. Lee’s scientific focus has been on disaster nursing and safety education. She developed a Korean Framework for Age-specific Safety Education with funding from Prime Minister's Secretariat in 2018.
    In academic activities, Dr. Lee is networking with well-known disaster-related scholars and leaders nationally and internationally, and has been invited as a speaker or panelist since the ICN Congress at Durban, South Africa in 2009. Recently she contributed as a visiting professor for University of Hyogo, Japan and Yanbian University, China.
  • Education
    PhD 2000 Yonsei University
    MPH 1990 Seoul National University
    BSN 1986 Adventist University of Philippines
  • Field of Study
    Disaster Nursing
    Humanitarian Assistance
    Global Health
    Fundamentals of Nursing
  • Academic Activities
    World Society of Disaster Nursing (WSDN)
    Korean Nurses Association
    Korean Society of Nursing Science
    Korean Academy of Disaster Nursing
    Korean Red Cross
    Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
  • Papers and Books (Last 5 years)
    Lee, O. et al. (2020). Emergency and Disaster Nursing, 5th ed. Hyunmoonsa: Seoul.
    Kim, J., Lee, O. Influencing factors of psychosocial stress among Korean adults during the COVID-19 outbreak. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021;18:6153.
    Jeong, S., Lee, O. Correlations between emergency code awareness and disaster nursing competencies among clinical nurses: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Nursing Management. 2020;28:1326-1334.
    Seol, J., Lee, O. Effects of cardiopulmonary resuscitation training for Mozambican nursing students in a low-resource setting: An intervention study. Nursing Education Today. 2020;90:104433.
    Seo, H., Lee, O. Mediating role of post-traumatic stress disorder in post-traumatic growth in adults who experienced the 2017 Pohang earthquake. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2020;263:246-251.
    Kim, J., Lee, O. Effects of a simulation-based education program for nursing students responding to mass casualty incidents: A pre-post intervention study. Nursing Education Today. 2020;85:104297.
    Kim, D., Lee, O. Effects of audio-visual stimulation on hand hygiene compliance among family and non-family visitors of pediatric wards: A quasi-experimental pre-post intervention study. Journal of Pediatric Nursing: Nursing Care of Children & Families. 2019;46:e92-e97.
    Kwak, M., Lee, O. Difficulties faced by Korean disaster relief workers while providing humanitarian aid: A descriptive study. Nursing & Health Sciences. 2019;21:141-147.
    Lee, H., Lee, O. Perceptions of hospital emergency color codes among hospital employees in Korea. International Emergency Nursing. 2018;40:6-11.
    Noh J, Oh E, Kim S, Jang Y, Chung H, Lee O. International nursing: Needs assessment for training in disaster preparedness for hospital nurses: A modified Delphi study. Nursing Administration Quaterly, 2018;42:373-383.
    Lee O. An analysis of the contents of safety education based on Korean Age-specific Safety Education Map (KASEM). Crisisonomy. 2016;12:1-14.
    Kim K, Lee O. Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of nurses on personal protective equipment: Response to the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus. J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2016;23:402-410.