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Globalized Nurse


Kwak Yeunhee

Position : Professor
Location : Building 102, Room 711
  • Introduce
    Dr. YH Kwak introduces her professional career. Dr. YH Kwak acquired Certification of Nurse certification in Korea, she worked at Chung-Ang University Hospital and Samsung Medical Center for about 14 years, in the Delivery room, and Outpatient department, inpatient Unit, Intensive Care Unit.
    And Dr. YH Kwak acquired various clinical competencies including knowledge, skill, and attitude as a professional nurse. And presently She has been working at Chung-Ang University since 2011, and I’m teaching fundamental nursing, nursing practice, and physical examination. Clinical career and education career are as follows.

    1990/12 ~ 1994/03 Nurse at Chung-ang University Yongsan Hospital in Seoul, Korea
    1994/05 ~ 2000/04 Nurse at Samsung Medical Center in Seoul, Korea
    2002/09 ~ 2007/02 Lecturer at Catholic Kwandong University in Gangneung, Korea
    2006/03 ~ 2007/02 Lecturer at Chung-Ang University in Seoul, Korea
    2007/01 ~ 2011/09 Nurse at Chung-Ang University Hospital in Seoul, Korea
    2011/09 ~ 2014/02 Lecturer at Chung-Ang University in in Seoul, Korea
    2014/03 ~ present Assistant professor at Chung-Ang University in in Seoul, Korea

    Dr. YH Kwak’s research interests include mental health, nursing practice and health promotion. Dr. YH Kwak frequently used raw data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey, conducted by Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention among various useful data for her analyses. Dr. YH Kwak’s research subjects are health-related quality of life called EQ-5D, mental health, suicidal behavior and disease. So I wrote papers related to quality of life, mental health, and suicidal behavior in patients with Atopic Dermatitis, urinary incontinence, Irregular menstruation as well as among the general population.
  • Education
    Doctoral Degree of Nursing, February 2007, Graduate form Chung-Ang University
    Master’s degree of Nursing, August 1996, Graduate from Chung-Ang University
    Bachelor’s degree of Nursing, February 1991, Graduate from Chung-Ang University
  • Field of Study
    Fundamentals of nursing
  • Academic Activities
    Korean Society of Nursing Science
    Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
    Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of Nursing
    The Korean Society For Multicultural Health
  • Papers and Books (Last 5 years)
    Kwak, Y., Han, Y., Song, J. S., & Kim, J. S. (2020). Impact of emotional labour and workplace violence on professional quality of life among clinical nurses. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 26(1), e12792.
    Kwak, Y., Kim, Y., & Chung, H. (2020). Sex-associated differences in the handgrip strength of elderly individuals. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 42(4), 262-268.
    반효정, 김경희, & 곽연희. (2020). 신경계 중환자실 환자의 벤지다민 용액 (Benzydamine hydrochloride solution) 의 구강간호 효과. 한국웰니스학회지, 15(3), 63-74.
    Kwak, Y., Kim, Y., Kwon, S. J., & Chung, H. (2021). Mental health status of adults with cardiovascular or metabolic diseases by gender. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(2), 514.
    하유정, 권수진, & 곽연희. (2021). 한국 노인의 성별에 따른 주관적 건강인식과 건강행위의 관계?국민건강영양조사 제 7 기 조사를 이용하여. 한국웰니스학회지, 16(1), 246-252.
    Kwak, Y., & Kim, Y. (2021). Differences in health-related quality of life of adults with cardiovascular or metabolic diseases compared to the general population. Iranian Journal of Public Health, 50(7), 1352.
    Kwak, Y., Kim, Y., Choi, E. S., & Im, H. J. (2021). Self-efficacy, post-traumatic growth, and quality of life of pediatric cancer survivors: a cross-sectional study. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 54, 102019.
    Kwak, Y., Kim, H., & Ahn, J. W. (2022). Impact of internet usage time on mental health in adolescents: Using the 14th Korea youth risk behavior web-based survey 2018. Plos one, 17(3), e0264948.
    Kwak, Y., & Kim, Y. (2022). Mental Health and Handgrip Strength Among Older Adults: A Nationwide Study. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 59, 00469580211067481.
    Kwak, Y., Kim, H., & Ahn, J. W. (2022). Health Risk Behaviors Affecting Internet Usage in Adolescents: Evidence from the 2018 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-Based Survey. Iranian Journal of Public Health, 51(7), 1559.
    Kwak, Y., Ahn, J. W., & Seo, Y. H. (2022). Influence of AI ethics awareness, attitude, anxiety, and self-efficacy on nursing students’ behavioral intentions. BMC nursing, 21(1), 267.
    Kwak, Y., Seo, Y. H., & Ahn, J. W. (2022). Nursing students' intent to use AI-based healthcare technology: Path analysis using the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology. Nurse Education Today, 119, 105541.
    곽연희, 유진나, 정지우, & 김남준. (2023). 다문화가정 청소년과 비다문화가정 청소년의 건강행위와 정신건강 비교연구. 다문화건강학회지, 13(1), 181-190.
    Kwak, Y., & Ahn, J. W. (2023). Health-related quality of life in older women with injuries: a nationwide study. Frontiers in public health, 11, 1149534.
    Kwak, Y., & Jang, I. (2023). Exploring factors influencing health-related quality of life in adult females with injuries: a cross-sectional nationwide study. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1248583.
    곽연희, 장인실, 이원, 백승주, 현석경, & 김선만. (2023). 상급종합병원 간호사의 그릿과 간호업무환경이 간호업무성과와 재직의도에 미치는 영향: 온정적 합리주의 리더십의 매개효과. 임상간호연구, 29(2), 163-174.