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Globalized Nurse

Learning Outcomes Evaluation Results

Evaluation Results for Program Learning Outcomes among 2023 Graduates As a way to improve the quality of nursing education, Nursing Department of Chung-Ang University implemented an eight Program Learning Outcomes initiative. According to the Nursing Education Quality Improvement System, the Self-Evaluation Committe evaluated the learning outcomes of the fourth year students at the end of the fall semester. For the students who were to graduate at the end of 2023, 208 achieved their Program Learning Outcomes. In addition, 96.6% of them were satisfied with what they were able to achieve academically.

Evaluation results for Program Learning Outcomes for 2023 graduates
Program learning outcome Classification Objective evaluation Subjective evaluation Results
Frequency (%) Achievement Rate
(Ratio of students above average)
Frequency (%) Achievement rate
(Ratio of students above average)
PO 1 Good 208(100) 100% 178(86.4) 96.6% Achieved
Average 0(0.0) 21(10.2)
Bad 0(0.0) 7(3.4)
PO 2 Good 208(100) 100% 174(84.5) 97.6% Achieved
Average 0(0.0) 27(13.1)
Bad 0(0.0) 5(2.4)
PO 3 Good 167(80.3) 100% 168(81.6) 97.1% Achieved
Average 41(19.7) 32(15.5)
Bad 0(0.0) 6(2.9)
PO 4 Good 202(97.1) 100% 181(87.9) 97.1% Achieved
Average 6(2.9) 19(9.2)
Bad 0(0.0) 6(2.9)
PO 5 Good 197(94.7) 100% 183(88.8) 98.1% Achieved
Average 11(5.3) 19(9.2)
Bad 0(0.0) 4(1.9)
PO 6 Good 194(93.3) 100% 185(89.8) 99.0% Achieved
Average 14(6.7) 19(9.2)
Bad 0(0.0) 2(1.0)
PO 7 Good 205(98.6) 100% 178(86.4) 97.6% Achieved
Average 3(1.4) 23(11.2)
Bad 0(0.0) 5(2.4)
PO 8 Good 161(77.4) 100% 174(84.5) 98.1% Achieved
Average 47(22.6) 28(13.6)
Bad 0(0.0) 4(1.9)

Utilization of program learning outcomes evaluation results In order to achieve the educational goals of the Department of Nursing, the evaluation results were presented at the Curriculum Committee and Self-Evaluation Workshop, and improvements were discussed. The self-assessment committee discussed quality improvement issues for the overall academic management system, including the PO evaluation results, and decided to reflect them in the performance-based curriculum.