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[기타] Rising Stars Opportunity during Sigma's Upcoming Events

작성자 관리자 등록일 18.12.06 조회수 588

안녕하세요. 시그마학회에서 아래와 같은 내용으로 발표자를 선발하고 있습니다. 

관심있는 선생님들의 많은 지원 부탁드립니다. 

참여를 희망하시는 분은 1월 30일까지 시그마학회 총무이사 김지수(jisu80@cau.ac.kr) 교수님께 연락하시면 됩니다.

During our upcoming events, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Sigma) is providing an opportunity for nursing students from Chung-Ang University, Red Cross College of Nursing to present their research, evidence-based projects, or literature reviews as part of the Rising Stars of Research and Scholarship invited student posters. We hope this offers an opportunity to elevate the scholarly contributions of students to the nursing profession.


You are invited to send no more than three (3) students from your campus as program representatives. Each school campus may send undergraduate students, master’s students, and/or doctoral students. The goal of conducting this poster display is to showcase the current work of the beginning nurse researchers and provide them with a networking opportunity. This is a unique occasion for students to present their work and meet with colleagues from around the world. Students’ work will be elevated further by being included in the Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository and the conference proceedings. You may choose your rising stars as program representatives using any criteria you choose. Once an individual has been selected, they are automatically accepted for presentation.


Students can be nominated to participate in either our 30th International Nursing Research Congress taking place in Calgary, Alberta, Canada in July 2019 or our 45th Biennial Convention in Washington, DC, USA, in November 2019. Students can only be nominated for one event.


Details on the Rising Stars of Research and Scholarship invited student posters, including onsite presentation information, is available on our website. Please submit the required information for each student no later than27 February 2019 using the link below.


Nomination Link:



Please ask students not to submit anything at this time through the website. I will be communicating with them directly on the next steps.


More information about our events can be found on the Sigma website.



Machelle Fisher

Programs Specialist

Sigma Theta Tau International

550 West North Street

Indianapolis, Indiana 46202



Toll-free: 1.888.634.7575 (U.S./Canada)

Phone: +1.317.634.8171

Fax: +1.317.634.8188






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